viernes, 31 de diciembre de 2010

People who "know" me probably does not even know about how I feel because they DO NOT FUCKIN CARE about me.
If you "care" you would know how I feel, but, since you have a lot more things (and persons) to care about, you don't even speak to me.
It's ok, you miss it "darling".

martes, 28 de diciembre de 2010

Bueno, resumamos todo.
Antes que nada, quiero desearles un muy feliz cumpleaños atrasado a Hayley Williams y a Jared Leto. Dos cantantes increíbles, miembros de dos bandas INCREÍBLES y que me encantan. Muchas felicidades para ellos♥
Bien, ahora sí. Mi vida no puede ser TAN aburrida como lo es ahora. Mi vida social: nula, y eso conlleva a que mi vida sexual sea nula también.
Eso acompañado a que la mayoría de los argentinos están pegados al televisor mirando Gran Hermano 2011.
Un grupo de 20 pelotudos que mandaron el video, quedaron y ahora están viviendo todos juntos en esas casa.
Gente, hay mejores cosas que hacer que pegarse a la pantalla a mirarlos. Salgan, caminen un poco, tejan algo, cocinen alguna galleta o algún postre rico, júntense a tomar mate, miren porno ;), qué se yo. Lean un libro, escuchen música.
Pero, la gente que está de vacaciones (el 50% de la población argentina joven) está al reverendo pedo y la cabeza no les da como para hacer otra cosa que no sea: mirar gran hermano. El 25% del resto de la población, aunque trabaje, estudie o tenga que rendir algo, mira igual porque no tiene nada para hacer (no, no va al club, al boliche a tratar de buscarse una mina linda o un chabón dable para garchar, no va a la casa de amigos a joder un rato, no , se queda en su casa pegada al televisor para mirar qué pasa adentro de la casa), un 24% no le da bola pero mira un rato, cuando está aburrido, cuando realmente no tiene nada que hacer. Y el 1% restante, somos los sanos, los que intentan hacer otra cosa en vez de mirar a esos 20 pelotudos cómo garchan, comen, lo que sea.
Pero, al lugar al que vayas (ojo, si se trata de gente mayor de 40, puede que no lo miren, pero siempre hay excepciones) se habla de ellos, que los 15 kg. de lechuga, que la boluda de Tamara, etc, etc. Y para no desentonar, hay que mirar el programa, o por lo menos la eliminación, porqeu si preguntás "¿Qué cosa con los 15 de lechuga?" te miran con una cara que parece que hibera venido de marte.
Así es la vida gente, esta es mi vida y lo que vivo en Argentina, siendo una mina de 15 años (si parece poco pero...).
Vida social: nula/vida sexual: nula/cualquier otro tipo de vida:nula
Humor: neutro/Tema que escucho: ninguno por ahora

domingo, 26 de diciembre de 2010

jueves, 23 de diciembre de 2010

Those people who tattoo things only bcuz it's cool (they think it's cool) and don't know what the fuck means or doesn't have any meaning at all. Well, those people are stupid n.n Simply: S T U P I D :3
Paramore without Zac or Josh is not Paramore.

lunes, 20 de diciembre de 2010

Ok, so this is it. You're disgusting. Really disgusting. After all what happened between you two, after ALL that, you crawl back to him like a creeping bitch. You're stupid.

sábado, 18 de diciembre de 2010

Fuck partying♥

I'd really like to be partying somewhere and smoking something like cannabis or divinorum. Drinking some vodka and takin some MDMA or something like that.
I'm bored people, and aren't any parties in town tonight. FUCK
Oh, and the police, that's a problem, if we want to party, we have to go to another town or something, hiding in the middle of the woods or fields in order to not get caught.
And oh, yes, Fuck Me♥
My fuckin life has ended ppl.
I'm bored of this one, so, why just don't get a new one?
Who can help me? :) I will dye my hair, change a lil' bit my outfit, and then, start doing things that I'm not doing right now.
It's my fuckin life people, and I'm tired of it. Let's get a new one then.
Let's renew myself, and let's do something naughty and forbbiden.

viernes, 17 de diciembre de 2010

What a mess -.-
I've finally found my FUCKIN school bulletin. I thought I've losted it, it was between ALOTTA books and paper in the library. Anyways, I didn't need to look for it THAT much XD
Changing, I really feel unwanted -.- Oh, and I got my lip piercing :D when I take a photo of it, I'll post it here n.n It's made of titanium, so it's black :3 And i love it.
It was a joke doing it, really XD I only felt the needle passing through my lip ._. Nothing else XD

Mood: neutral/kinda... sad? and thirsty *go gets a glass of coke* no more thisrty n.n
Playing track: Pump That Puzzy-Original Gabber [if you watch Skins, the track plays in the finale of Season3, it's the playing track when Cook and Effy are @ the club, dancing]

That's all, küsses :3

lunes, 13 de diciembre de 2010

Chris Dakota ♥

♥ He's so cute :3
[P/S: I stole his picture from his tumblr]
Creo que el reproductor no funca ._.
Changing: why amI supposed to use google chrome for everything? I DON'T LIKE GOOGLE CHROME! SHIT¬¬
It really makes me feel unwanted...
Nobody loves me, and it hurts. Hurts so bad.
Realmente me hace sentir no deseada.
Nadie me ama, y duele. Duele mucho.

sábado, 11 de diciembre de 2010

I've recently seen Resident Evil:Afterlife and, i really like this song n.n

Can't see the video? Click on the link It will redirect you to the video so make sure you do right click on it and select the right option :P
So, that's it. I feel loneliner than EVER. I mean, it's like when I see someone with his/her couple, i say "why isn't that happening to me?" It's awful, and i'm sure that you probably have been trough it. It makes me feel undesired, unwanted. It makes me feel ugly.

jueves, 9 de diciembre de 2010


Nothing to say.
I just wanted to update or post something. I got new layout and new background image n.n
R.L from the anime Ergo Proxy. I love that one as much as I love a lot more :P

And so on, I'm on vacation, but, these ones are mor boring than the last year's. At least I do not have to do any final exams in order to not to fail any subject on school. I've been trough that last year, and, believe me, it's not something you really wanna live -.- It's awful. Y failed like SIX subjects :S
Really Awful.

Peace, love and CANDIES for everybody n.n

martes, 7 de diciembre de 2010

Estuve muy HP últimamente. Y me estuve tomando varios tests.
[¿Qué merodeador soy?]
Eres James Potter!

Generación Merodeadores El test!

[¿cuál de los chicos sería mi novio?*o*

© ¿Con cuál chico de Hogwarts andarías?
- El test!

[ame el resultado de esta*-*]

[¿quién sería mi novia?]

©¿Con cuál chica de Hogwarts andarías?
- El test!

Me había hecho mas pero, no se porqe no se muestran DD:
Más tarde paso a dejar más tonteras n.n